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Oct 1, 2013

Start with Yii framework

What is Yii?

Yii is a fast,secure and professional MVC framework.

Start with Yii

Step 1: Download Yii from

Step 2: Unzip the package and put it in your web root. (www for WAMP or htdocs for XAMPP)

Now your Yii folder will be in www.

Step 3: Access Yii requirement checker with following URL

Step 4: Then create the skeleton

Open cmd and type,

'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Users\hp>path D:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3

C:\Users\hp>cd D:\wamp\www


D:\wamp\www>php yii/framework/yiic.php webapp testyii
Create a Web application under 'D:\wamp\www\testyii'? (yes|no) [no]:yes

After you press enter it generates the application "testyii" under D:\wamp\www\testyii.

Finally says "Your application has been created successfully under D:\wamp\www\testyii"

Step 5: Now you can access your application through URL http://localhost/testyii