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Sep 9, 2016

Serverless Apps with AWS Lambda

Serverless Framework

The Serverless Framework is a new cloud computing trend. It is open-source, command line tool and standard syntax that is used to easily build serverless architectures on AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Windows Azure Functions.

"Serverless platforms allow developers to build apps without worrying about infrastructure."

Install the Serverless Framework

Make sure you have node and npm installed. You need node 4.0 or greater.

npm install serverless -g

Once the package is installed globally, you can create or download a new project and start working on your Lambda functions in JavaScript (Node.js 0.10 or 4.3) or Python 2.7.

Create project : serverless project create

Create Function : serverless function create function/SubFolder/FunctionName -s dev -r ap-northeast-1 (-s = dev or prod stage -r = aws region)

Deploy Function : serverless function deploy

Deploy Events : serverless event deploy EventName -s dev -r ap-northeast-1